About Me

Monday, March 4, 2013

Sebuah Pertemuan

Assalamu'alaikum w.b.t

This is a very short post to say that I love my housemates so much. They are like my second family in Dublin though there is no one could ever replace my real family in Malaysia. Ouhibbuka FiLlah guys! =)

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Auckland, New Zealand


Post kali ni bertujuan untuk wish someone All The Best and Good Luck because he is currently will be starting his new life in Auckland, New Zealand! This is my best friend at KMB. He is doing Bachelor in Mechanical Engineering at University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand. Best woo tmpt ni. Negara The Lord Of The Ring kott. Wish to be there someday. Kene start kumpul duit ni. hehe

kt desktop pn buat gadgets Auckland. hehe

Friday, September 16, 2011


hey people,

Alhamdulillah, this raya gives such a great moment to me particularly at my college. A big thank to my classmates and teachers for the unforgettable memories. hope that our ukhwah will last forever with the will of only Allah. We were born for reasons .pray our success readers. =)

Friday, August 5, 2011

Fwd: Salam Ramadhan

Funny how a $100  looks so big when taken 2 a mosque ‚but so small when taken to a mall.

Funny how long it takes 2 pray taraweh for an hour but how quickly a team plays 90mins of football.

Funny how peo­ple cant think of a doa 2 say when they pray,but dont have dif­fi­culty think­ing of things 2 talk abt 2 a friend.

Funny how peo­ple believe what the news­pa­pers say but ques­tion what is writ­ten in the Quran.

Funny how u can send  a thou­sand jokes through emails and they spread like wild­fire but when u start send­ing sms regard­ing Allah peo­ple think twice about sharing.

Dont think twice. Please pass this on… Salam Ramadhan

p/s: credit to Ashraf Shukran =)

Saturday, April 9, 2011


Bagaikan permata di celahan kaca
Kerdipnya sukar tuk dibezakan
Kepada Mu Tuhan ku pasrah harapan
Moga tak tersalah pilihan

Nur kasih Mu mendamai di kalbu
Jernih setulus tadahan doaku
Rahmati daku dan permintaanku
Untuk bertemu di dalam restu

Kurniakan daku serikandi
Penyejuk di mata penawar di hati
Di dunia dialah penyeri
Di syurga menanti dia bidadari

Kekasih sejati teman yang berbudi
Kasihnya bukan keterpaksaan
Bukan jua kerana keduniaan/( dunia )
Mekar hidup disiram nur kasih

Ya Allah kurniakanlah kami isteri
Dan anak yang soleh
Sebagai penyejuk mata

(Mekar hidup ini disirami nur kasih)

Di tangan-Mu Tuhanku sandar impian
Penentu jodoh pertemuan
Seandai dirinya tercipta untukku
Rela ku menjadi miliknya

(Mekar disiram nur kasih)

We hope that it doesn't fade away.

Monday, December 27, 2010

words of wisdom

tak perlu mencari teman secantik balqis
andai diri tak sehebat sulaiman,

mengapa mengharap teman setampan yusuf
jika kasih tak setulus zulaikha,

tak perlu mencari teman seteguh ibrahim
andai diri tak sekuat hajar,

mengapa damba hidup sesempurna Muhammad SAW
jika diri tak sesempurna amalannya.

kata2 hikmat above has profound meaning towrds me. As human beings we do have very many needs and wants (i refer these in term of the things that we have them right now). sometimes or may be i could say 'usually', the needs or wants, many are not possible for us to have them for a long time. if we notice, normally some of the needs and wants that we have ever had, always, we can have them only for a very short time. why is this so?  All the things in this world including everything that is under or above the land as well as in the sky, the people/belongings who/which we love are not and absolutely not belong to us. He is the only One that has the endless power that the things belong to. Shameer..engkaulah fakir dan Allah itu Maha Kaya dan Pemilik segala-galanya. Maka mengapa enkau masih menyombongkan diri kepadaNya? Sometimes i fell that i do not eligible to have something more than wat He had already gave and lent. But I once asked this to my twin, then he said, 'Allah lg suke kite meminta kepadaNya'. SubhanALlah. Walau apepun kte kene try jadi yg terbaek kan? Do pray for us.

i found and got some things that i think usefuland somewhat related to me.hehe

quoted from somewhere by anonymous

"Tawakal sahaja. Ingat Allah sentiasa di sisi. Yang penting usaha telah dibuat. Kita merasakan kitalah yang paling malang. Hanya mulut mengaku Allah itu Tuhan tetapi mengapa dengan takdir-Nya kita enggan? Semacam terlupa kata peneguhan di dalam al hadis dan Al Quran bahawa besarnya masalah, beratnya ujian dan hebatnya cabaran… berkadar terus dengan kekuatan iman"